Meek Mill Suffers from Judge Brinkley’s New Ruling!!

Judge Genece Brinkley is playing hard ball. Brinkley refused to let go over her vendetta with Philly rapper, Meek Mill. The case with Mill started over 10 years ago, according to a report by CBS News, “Brinkley took aim at what she called a “lack of investigation” by the District Attorney’s Office. They further investigated allegations that Mill’s arresting officer, Reginald Graham, had credibility problems.
Judge Brinkley Questions the Prosecution.
Judge Brinkley also questioned whether a longstanding process by which the prosecutor’s office and the Defender Association review potentially tainted cases was sufficiently thorough. In an unusual footnote, she said that they continuing to rely on a flawed system was akin to legitimizing slavery. Yet she refuses to give Meek another trial? She already refused to grant Meek Mill bail.
Really? Judge Brinkley, you are turning Mill’s case into a nightmare. What more proof do you need? The arresting officer has broken the law himself, Mills case should have been thrown out on that alone? In my opinion.
On the Uncensored Truth Podcast host O’God and Sam Ant discussion was about the update on Mills case. Will this new ruling put Mills freedom in jeopardy?
O’God asked a very good question, what does this say about all of the support that Mill has garnered from celebrities and fans? Shouldn’t it make a difference that even the Philadelphia district attorney, Larry Krasner is in favor of Mill case being thrown out?
Does Judge Brinkley Have a Vendetta?
Sam Ant seems to think Judge Brinkley has a personal vendetta with the rapper. One of the arresting officers in Mills 2007 case, Reginald Graham has lied and provided false evidence in some of the cases he was on. Why wouldn’t Brinkley feel that the new evidence is not enough to dismiss Mill’s case? It does not seem that Mill’s lawyers fail to meet the burden of proof required to get his dismissal. Is it a case of trying to destroy Mill?
O’God pointed out, historically, there has been a conspiracy against blacks in America when they decide to make it on their own, do it their own way, or own there own, somehow the odds seem to be against them. Blacks in America have always had to be greater, faster, work harder and at the end of the day have had it overcome many obstacles to make it in America.
This is America
O’God alluded to Childish Gambino song ” This is America”, which by the way has gotten major attention from celebrities and the media for the powerful message about what goes on in our country, especially as it relates to people of color.
O’God wondered if this experience would continue to draw Meek Mill into activism. O’God made an comparison to Jay Z and how Jay has become an advocate for justice for people of color. It does appear that Mill is headed in that direction. Mill has been very vocal in sharing his experience in the media lately. Mill sat down with Lester Holt and talked about the injustice within the criminal system and how it affects blacks.
If Mills continues to advocate for injustice in this manner certainly, he will make a great impact for criminal justice reform in America.
One thing is for certain, Meek Mill will not give up his fight for his freedom. We are with you brother!
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