The Truth Behind Charlamagne Tha God’s Spanish Fly Jokes!!

On the Uncensored Truth Podcast with host O’God and Sam Ant they each felt the need to address the Charlamagne tha God rape allegations. Many of the viewers are making comments about an interview Charlamagne did where he talked about sleeping with a girl, getting her drunk and giving her Spanish fly.
Charlamagne Using Spanish Fly? Brotha, you gotta be more careful with what you say!
In a radio interview, Charlamagne talked very nonchalantly about getting this girl drunk and giving her Spanish Fly as if it was not a big deal. He even commented that the girl was glad it was him she slept with. However, according to Charlamagne, she said that she didn’t remember what happened.
Spanish Fly was similar to what is used today (Viagra)
Spanish Fly is a purported libido enhancer. It was very popular in the 70’s, 80’s and 90’s, a lot of young people would use it to help with sexual pleasure for extra stamina during intercourse.
Does Spanish Fly Work?
If you were to ask those who have taken it they believe it works. Spanish Fly was taken in drops unlike Viagra which is a blue pill. Spanish Fly is a natural substance but Viagra is manufactured by pharmaceutical companies. Spanish Fly Drops are allegedly harmless but Viagra can be deadly if taken by someone with chronic illness. On the other hand, Spanish Fly had little side affects if any.
Sam Ant let the viewers know that you can buy Spanish Fly over the counter. Apparently, when Charlamagne Tha God was having this conversation on the show he forgot you can’t tell everyone in America about your escapades, especially as it relates to your sex life. Those comments Charlamagne made have now come back to haunt him, to say the least.
That is no laughing matter.
O’God alluded to the fact that people might think that Charlamagne is talking about Jessica Reid, who claims she was raped by Charlamagne over 17 years ago. Although, it seems that these are two separate occasions both occurred in South Carolina, according to Charlamagne.
Charlamagne, there is saying old people use to say when you talk too much, you open your mouth and you get served foot. This is what is happening with Charlamagne. People want to see him fall. This happens to famous brothers all the time. The media builds your career only to dig until something in your past resurfaces and boom, you come tumbling down. It does not matter if you are guilty or innocent, unfortunately, it’s how the media works. And talking reckless about sleeping with women does not help matters.
We did tell you all that this situation with Charlamagne is not over!!!!
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