Hot 97 Ebro And Papoose Go At It On Twitter Guess Why??? |Throwback

Hot 97’s Ebro and Papoose go at it on twitter. Guess why? Apparently, Remy claimed that Nicki and Ebro had an affair. In her song “shETHER” there was mention of Nicki and Ebro, allegedly. Ebro claims Remy was lying, according to Hip Hop DX. Papoose shot back with his own tweet to defend his wife, Remy. Here is some of what was said between Ebro and Papoose:
“Remy knows she’s lying…matter of fact the dude that told her that bulls**t, she know is a nerd!” he laughed before adding, “These nerd as dudes always worried.”
Papoose answered back:
“You just texted me happy as hell that Remy said it…now she lying? “Sit down bruh”
Ebro did not take offense at what Papoose said. In fact, he wanted to know when Remy was coming on the show. Also, Ebro admitted that he is not married.
Check out the video above for more details
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