Trendsetta Shady On Rumors He Snitched!!!

Trendsetta Shady On Rumors He Snitched. We now hear the story behind what happened with Trendsetta Shady and AR-AB.
Who was out to get Trendsetta Shady?
Trendsetta Shady on rumors he snitched. There are some who say Trendsetta Shady went into the Witness Protection.
However, Trendsetta Shady mentioned in his interview with hosts O’God and SamAnt that it’s not true. I just saw an interview AR-AB did with Mikey T from prison.
And, AR-AB tells a different story, as reported by Philly Hip Hop.. In fact, AR-AB says that in his discovery there is proof Trendsetta Shady allegedly told on them.
This story is really heating up. Especially, since Trendsetta Shady and AR-Ab are both saying opposite things. As, I have pointed out in other articles, sometimes the truth is some where in the middle.
Be that as it may, who is really telling the truth. Is it possible that AR-AB could be mistaken? Or is Trendsetta Shady telling the truth?
Unfortunately, the snitch culture is becoming the norm in Hip Hop. Certainly, I am not saying that Trendsetta or AR-AB stories are true or not.
It is tragic that these men who seemed to have been friends at one point are not any more. Shouldn’t it be about making music?
At any rate, the interview with Trendsetta Shady was really interesting, to say the least. Of course, the beef between Trendsetta and Ar-AB is not over.
Check out the video above for more details.
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