Willie D Come Under Fire For Donda Comments

Willie D Come Under Fire For Donda Comments. The Geto Boys veteran rapper attacked Kanye. No, he did not physically attack him. But he spoke ill of the dead.
Will D Offered An Apology To Kanye
Willie D Come Under Fire For Donda Comments. In case you were wondering. This is what Willie D said about Kanye’s mom. “She took her own life after realizing “she had raised a self-loathing coconut.”
Of course, that was not the correct comment to make. Especially since Kanye’s beloved mother died from an alleged botched cosmetic surgery. People were upset, rightfully so.
Although Willie D has a right to his opinion, those were some harsh words. We all know that Kanye aka Ye has mental issues. So, we are not surprised by his media antics. However, Willie D hit below the belt.
Primarily, speaking negatively about celebrities’ parents, siblings and children is off-limits. Not to mention, talking about Ye’s mental health. It is no secret that Ye has suffered from mental illness.
In fact, Ye has talked about his mental health issues publicly. Personally, I believe that a lot of Ye’s mental issues are a result of his mother’s sudden death.
In my professional opinion, Ye could benefit from counseling. At least it would not hurt him to talk with someone. If you noticed, ever so often Ye says some outlandish things. It’s never done in private.
He always has an audience. Then the media runs with it. Could it be Ye is seeking attention? Keep in mind, he is in the middle of a divorce. His life along with his children has been tumultuous.
To top it off, he is still grieving his mother. Obviously, Willie D had more to say on the matter. According to Vlad TV, Willie said this instead,
“tried to bully me for saying what I said, but when Kanye West wore the ‘White Lives Matter’ shirt,” he was praised as a “free thinker.” Willie D then said he considered what was said to him by fans who were upset over his statement and apologized for posting the comment. He then said, “What I should have said is f**k all y’all. No more talk.”
There you have it, Willie is not backing down. Now, I wonder if Ye will fire back. We already know, Ye loves a good media fight.
Check out the video above for more details.
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