As we all know, Meek Mill’s imprisonment has been a very large issue in the Hip Hop community for a while now. Many people are on Meek’s side, advocating for him to be released. Among these people, the governor of Pennsylvania supports Meek Mill’s release, saying that there is a huge flaw in the judicial system. He had this to say.
“I support Philadelphia District Attorney Larry Krasner’s position with regards to the case of Robert Williams (Meek Mill). The criminal justice system is in need of repair. That’s why my administration has made efforts to invest in programs that divert individuals from the criminal justice system, improve public safety, and promote fairness. But more needs to be done. I am calling on the General Assembly to send me the Justice Reinvestment II bills, which the Senate just advanced out of committee. These reforms will help address issues in the criminal justice system from arrest, trial, sentencing, incarceration, and post-release.”
Watch the video above to learn more about the situation.
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