Did Juelz Santana’s Arrest Cost Him His Career?

On the Uncensored Truth Podcast O’God and Sam Ant discussed a new development in the case of rap artist Juelz Santana. Now, the judge on his case is asking for a psychological evaluation. It appears that Santana is having some mental issues that concern the judge.
According to a report by BET, the federal pretrial services officer, Jennifer Powers was observing Santana during a home visit. And during that visit, she noticed his mental state was apparently different than previous visits with Santana. Powers made out a report this week claiming Santana needed an immediate mental health evaluation. While it is unclear why she recommended he get the evaluation. You have to wonder why she thought his mental health was a problem. Santana is facing criminal charges stemming from an airport fiasco which he was found with firearms in his luggage.
Time away from family an issue?
O’God and Sam Ant talked about the fact that being away from his family could very well make him feel isolated and frustrated. We all know that when taken out of our comfort zone we may display behavior that may appear abnormal to some. However, each of us express frustration in different ways. Santana may have been letting off some steam by ranting. Of course, we don’t know what really happened. We can only speculate.
This may be the reason Powers saw what she felt was disturbing behavior. Also, Sam Ant pointed out that you can’t send in a white woman who is no doubt afraid of black men, so to speak, and expect her to make an accurate estimation on Santana’s behavior.
Does Juelz Feel Like His Life is in Danger?
Another important point that O”God made was maybe Santana felt he needed a firearm for protection. Many rap artist carry firearms. O’God pointed out that after Xxxtentacion was shot and killed many rappers may be more adapt to carry firearms. The threats to rap artist are real. People don’t understand that the reality for black men is they are being gunned down every day in almost every city. With all the violence that goes on in hip hop culture and the streets in general , who wouldn’t be strapped nowadays.
Does a Felon Have the Right to Bear Arms?
It’s funny that the constitution gives us the right to bear arms but when a young black man is found with a firearm it becomes a crime. In Santana’s case, the firearm was not found on him. Is it fair to charge him? Of course, Santana did have pills in his possession but to put him on house arrest just does not seem fair. In other words, the punishment does not fit the crime, so to speak.
With Santana’s up coming case and possible facing up to 20 years in prison and the house arrest he must be feeling all kinds of emotions. Imagine being in the house for a few months not being able to go any where. Anyone would be a little stir crazy. We all make mistakes. Should this mistake cost Santana his rap career? It just seems that they are trying to railroad the brother. We hope everything works out for Santana and his family.
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