Kanye West Calls Out GAP

Kanye West Calls Out GAP. The GAP brand and Kayne have a love hate relationship. Currently, it seems more bad than good.
Kanye West VS GAP
Kanye West Calls Out GAP. Recently, West went on a tangent about the unprofessional manner in which he believes the GAP company operates.
As you know, his Yeezy clothing brand and GAP joined forces a few years ago to create gear a more affordable Yeezy clothing experience. Over the years, the business relationship between Ye and Gap experienced ups and downs.
Seemingly, West can’t catch a break from the companies he’s partnered with. For example, he’s known for clashing with Adidas over his Yeezy shoe brand.
Well, in true Kanye fashion, he took to social media to call them out on some shady moves.
Allegedly, they held a meeting without him to discuss the brand. Also, he claims Gap copied his Yeezy Gap Engineerd by Balenciaga designs. He posted via Twitter:
“Gap held a meeting about me without me?”
But wait, there’s more. Ye then accused Gap of canceling a photo shoot with his four children without him knowing.
Of course, he’d be remiss if he didn’t publicize the issues via social media. Here’s a bit of what he had to say.
“This is bigger than us, and we shouldn’t argue amongst ourselves. But I’m saying I have to go pull that sword out the stone. You either believe me or I’m going to show you. … You’re gonna see it.”
Apparently, the Grammy-winning artist has many points to prove.
Furthermore, Yeezy expressed interest in opening multiple retail locations. Interestingly, he’d like to start with Atlanta.
Undoubtedly, the brick and mortar locations sound like a great innovation. Stay tuned for more on Yeezy and Co.
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