The NFL Makes New Policy No More Kneeling

The NFL Cracks under pressure, finally a new policy regarding The National Anthem! Is it good or bad. That’s the question.
The Uncensored Truth podcast with O’God and Sam Ant got some breaking news to report to Hip Hop sports fans. There was a new development in the ongoing battle players are having with the NFL regarding sitting during the National Anthem. The controversial ” Taking a Knee” movement has sparked quite a stir in the last year . The NFL (National Football League) will allow players to stay in the locker room but under no circumstances will players be allowed to sit or take a knee during the National Anthem without facing penalties for their actions.
Is it a question of patriotism or players rights?
O’God and Sam Ant are very passionate about the NFL new policy change that will now go into affect. Both host are advent football fans. What right do the NFL have in determining how players protest games? Will this policy change how players and owners relate on the field? Who has the right to determine how anyone responds to the National Anthem? What next? Will we have to become slaves to the NFL because we usurp or freedom of choice whether to honor the National Anthem or not?
The NFL has missed the point, peaceful protest is allowed in our country. O’God and Sam Ant both agree that we have the right to protest. It is not to dishonor our country but somehow we must shed the light on injustice towards people of color. Colin Kaepernick had reason to protest. He had the courage to kick the door down, said Sam Ant. O’God agreed.
Sam Ant and O’God approached this topic with a lot of thought provoking suggestions. O’God and Sam Ant went in hard on the NFL controversial policy change.
You gotta check out this video below!
Colin Kaepernick started the controversy
Just in case you don’t remember, Colin Kaepernick , the starting former quarterback for the San Francisco 49ers started this movement. In 2016, Kaepernick became a national figure when he ignited a firestorm of controversy by refusing to stand while the National Anthem was being played before the NFL games. He described his behavior as a protest against racial injustice in the United States. His actions prompted negative and positive responses.
The negative responses included suggestions that players who protested should be fired, other people displayed their disapproval of players’ protests by leaving the stadium immediately after the protests or refusing to watch games at all.
Positive responses include similar activity by additional athletes in the NFL and other American sports leagues protesting in various ways during the anthem.
This brings into question whether or not we have freedom of liberty and justice. Kaepernick was very vocal about the injustice in America, especially as it relates to people of color. Kaepernick told the reports that ,“Police Brutality” against people of color has to be addressed.
There are huge racial disparities in how US police use force
Black people are much more likely to be shot by police than their white peers. An analysis of the available FBI data by Vox’s Dara Lind found that US police kill black people at disproportionate rates: Black people accounted for 31 percent of police killing victims in 2012, even though they made up just 13 percent of the US population. Although the data is incomplete because it’s based on voluntary reports from police agencies around the country, it highlights the vast disparities in how police use force.
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