Wack 100 Gets In A Parking Lot Fight!!!!

Wack 100 Gets In A Parking Lot Fight. So I looked at this video yesterday. I did not realize that it was someone famous.
Wack takes on two men in fight
Wack 100 gets in a parking lot fight. Well, what made Wack fight so fiercely against these men? Although, this video just surfaced the incident happened over the weekend, as reported by XXL Mag. And, Wack 100 who most know as The Game’s long time friend/manager had to defend his honor.
Some of the sources are saying that the white man made a racial slur at Wack. Be that as it may, whatever took place it ended with a brawl. I saw on the video that Wack the man swung at Wack. Wack dodged the hit and floored the guy.
On the other hand, the other white man appeared to help his friend. But it was to no avail. Wack was fully equipped to fight both men, as reported by XXL Mag
Fortunately, the incident did not result in serious injuries for either of the men involved. Thankfully, everyone walked away. However, Wack was very upset about the situation.
Especially, since the media is making him look like the aggressor. When if you take a look at the video it looked like Wack was defending himself. Here is what Wack had to say:
“So I get attacked and I get bullied & harassed – @instagram when a black man is being killed or choked out it stays but when a black man is being attacked and wins it’s against your rules,” Wack captioned a screenshot of the violation notification. “Black on Black post stays guess that’s cool right.”
In reality, Wack made a very valid point. Why is it that Wack was seen as the one in the wrong? In my opinion, it was a clear case of harassment on the part of the two white men. However, we can only hope that witnesses to the event will tell the truth.
I will say this, not that I condone fighting or violence but Wack handled his business. Surely, the two guys were not ready for that smoke.
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