Taxstone Speaks On Conditions At Rikers!!!

Taxstone Speaks On Conditions At Rikers. Some may have forgotten about how COVID – 19 is affecting the prison population.
Taxstone fears Coronavirus will kill him
Taxstone speaks on conditions at Rikers. Sadly, we have all been affected by the Coronavirus pandemic. And, while we are trying to maintain some sense of normalcy some are suffering more than others. The prison population has more of a challenge than we do.
In light of this uncertainty that we all face, clearly inmates in jails and prisons pose a greater risk of getting Covid -19. Taxstone was very candid about the current conditions on Rikers Island, as reported by Complex. Here is some of what Taxstone said:
“I’m currently in my grave, with my eyes open, dirt up to my neck, getting dizzy as the world turns,” he wrote in a note on Twitter. “For a month now, we haven’t been allowed visits, legal or social. Understandable, considering what’s going on. But what I don’t understand is how the only people we have contact with on the outside, the correctional officers and civilians, have no protective gear and they aren’t giving us anything to protect ourselves.”
Additionally, Taxstone when on to say that he does understand why some inmate are being let out. However, do the lives of murders, rapist or robbers matter at all? In other words, shouldn’t everyone’s life matter? I can certainly understand Taxstone concerns, especially as it relates to everyone having access to mask and protective gear. You have to wonder what is really going on?
Let me remind you all of why Taxstone is at Rikers he was arrested for the murder of rapper Troy Ave’s friend, Ronald “Banga” McPhatter at Irving Plaza back a few years ago. Although Taxstone claims his innocence he is being held at Rikers Island correctional facility.
Check out the video above for more details
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