NBA Legend Allen Iverson Had 500K Of Jewelry Stolen!!!

NBA legend Allen Iverson Had 500K Of Jewelry Stolen. Unfortunately, Allen had a lot of jewelry taken from his backpack.
Allen’s backpack with his merchandise stolen
Former NBA legend Allen Iverson had 500k of jewelry stolen. Allen Iverson was one of the baddest point guards in the NBA. And, I might add that AI was one of the 76 Sixers greatest players of all time. In fact, A I will always be one of my favorite basketball players. And, though AI was small in stature he was a force to be reckon with on the court. Allen retired in 2013 after a 14 – year career in the NBA, as reported by USA Today. Allen played several seasons with the Philadelphia 76ers basketball team.
It appears that Allen aka AI’s back pack was stolen which had over $500k worth of jewelry. I am not sure if AI was present during the robbery. The Philadelphia police would only say that AI’s merchandise was stolen around 10:30 a.m. I was watching the news last night and I saw that the person who allegedly stole from AI has turned himself in.
The alleged suspect who stole A I’s jewelry has turned himself in
I was really surprised to hear that the suspect turned himself into police. According to the Philadelphia Inquirer Christopher Daniel has surrendered. In addition, police saw a video tape with the suspect. After Christopher found out the police had him on video he turned himself. Also, the alleged suspect gave police Allen’s Rolex watch. However, the police did not mention if any other jewelry was returned.
Check out the video above for more details
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