Is R Kelly a Hurting Man? I Admit It Seems to Say So

On the Uncensored Truth Podcast host O’God and Sam Ant talked about R Kelly’s new 19 minute song” I Admit It”, Kelly is really putting it all out there. Of course, you all know that some people are saying that Kelly has admitted to all the accusations in the media about him. However, if you listen to the song you may begin to see things differently.
R Kelly Admits to A LOT of Things
We both listened to the song and have come to some conclusions. Kelly really covered a lot of the issues he is facing in recent media stories. He addressed his marriage to Aaliyah , his issues with dating both younger and older women. He admits that he was illiterate (something we’ve all known since 2009). He admits that he does not have the rights to his own music.
Also, he admits that he loves kinky sex. He admits that young women come on to him not the other way around. In fact, one of the girls’ father put her on stage for him to be with, then got mad when they could not extort money from him. The song is quite an eye opener. To say the least.
Why do we want to destroy one another, especially people in the lime light?
Also, during the discussion O’God and Sam Ant talked about how we as Black people have the tendency to destroy each other. Black men often trash their black brothers. There is no love or unity anymore .There is a common theme in America, the destruction of black men. Could this be the case with R Kelly?
In my opinion, after listening to the song myself, I could not help but feel for Kelly. As a mother, I would not want anyone to harm my children in any way. You can hear the pain in his voice. Something you just can’t fake. Put yourself in his shoes, could you hold up after all the accusations that have been hurled at Kelly.
The media and women have accused him of having a sex house with sex slaves. He has been called a pedophile. Now, whether any of this is true, we can’t say. Kelly has never been convicted but he does admit that his lawyers advised him to pay people off to save his reputation. He admits he has to keep making music and touring to pay his rent.
Why do we feed off the negative?
Where is our humanity? Why are we a society that loves to feed off of the negative. Why don’t we promote and shed the light on the positive more often? Let’s not forget many of us love a good R Kelly jam. One of my favorite Kelly songs, “Step In the Name of Love “ was fire, back in the day.
Unfortunately, Kelly admits that he was molested repeatedly when he was a child. If you know anything about child molestation then you know that it leaves the child with trauma that can last a lifetime.It sounds like Kelly could really benefit from therapy. Hopefully, by airing out his dirty laundry, for a lack of better words, it will bring some healing to his heart and troubled mind. Deep!!!
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