Rabbi Rozenberg Reacts To Dave Chappelle

Rabbi Rozenberg Reacts To Dave Chappelle. The SNL has gone viral, again. Primarily, because comedian Dave Chappelle hosted it. And, some people were offended by his comments.
Rabbi Rozenberg Sheds Light On Race Relations
Rabbi Rozenberg Reacts To Dave Chappelle. After SNL aired, Chappelle received some backlash. Therefore, we wanted to bring you the perspective of a Jewish person.
Why are so many up in arms about alleged Anti-Semitic comments? Especially when they come from comedians. Since when did we hang on to every alleged word from sports celebrities and comedians?
This was a very interesting conversation with Rabbi. He spoke with hosts O’God and SamAnt. During their conversation, he said something important.
One thing Rabbi mentioned, is there is some sort of conspiracy to put Jewish people against Blacks. It would appear so. He then pointed out skits done on South Park can be considered allegedly Anti-Semitic.
However, they do not receive any backlash. But when Chappelle uses similar alleged remarks in his skit, people blast him. It does seem to be a double standard.
Is it possible that South Park because it is written by Jewish writers is exempt? On the other hand, Blacks get attacked for the very same things.
In fact, Rabbi mentioned some of the terms used by South Park, (Dirty Jew, and Jewish money). Yet the ADL allegedly says nothing. So, should the Anti-Defamation League go after South Park?
Personally, I think Rabbi Rozenberg is on to something. Take a listen. Once again, Hip Hop News hosts have provided great commentary.
According to Light of Infinite, Rabbi Rozenberg is an outspoken advocate for Jewish people. Therefore, he is an expert on Jewish relations.
Check out the video above for more details.
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