Cornel West Announces 2024 Presidential Run

Cornel West Announces 2024 Presidential Run. Renowned civil rights activist and philosopher Dr. Cornel West has announced his candidacy. West will be running with the newly founded People’s Party.
Cornel West announces 2024 presidential run
Cornel West Announces 2024 Presidential Run.
Dr. Cornel West, a prominent figure in academia and civil rights activism.
He has announced that he will be running for President of the United States in 2024, as stated by Newsweek..
West is known for his outspoken criticism of systemic inequality and his advocacy for social justice.
It is Dr. West’s idea to run as The People’s Party representative.
The People’s Party, a newly formed political organization that seeks to challenge the current two-party system.
And, give a voice to those who have been left behind by the political establishment.
His announcement went viral on Twitter. In fact, Dr.West received 11.5 million views.
Also, Dr. West claims he is entering the race “for the quest for truth.”
Furthermore, Dr. West believes neither the Democrat or Republicans “wants to tell the truth.”
As the Republican candidates for 2024 presidency becomes crowded, West may have a chance.
At this present time, we have not heard much from any Democratic candidates.
Of course, it will be a uphill battle for Dr.West.
Much like it was for former President Obama.
Nevertheless, Dr. West said,
“I come from a tradition where I care about you,” West said in the video. “I care about the quality of your life. I care about whether you have access to a job with a living wage, decent housing, women having control over their bodies, health care for all, the escalating destruction of the planet, the destruction of American democracy.”
Anyone who is familiar with Dr.West he has been very instrumental in the equality for Blacks.
It’s going to be a very interesting race for the White House.
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