Nicki Minaj Has Some Strong Words For Lil Kim !!| Throwback

In an interview Nicki Minaj talks about Lil Kim always having something slick to say about her. Minaj admits that she gives Kim her props but the feelings is not reciprocated. In her own word in an Youtube video from Hip Hop Stan TV Minaj exclaims:
I think people get me mistaken with a real Barbie. They forget where I am from but If I have to revert back, I can and I will. So, don’t play with me. I love you. I respect you. I have said it in every interview time and time again, Ma Ma. That is your insecurities. It is not just Nicki Minaj. She picked a fight with Foxy. She picked a fight with Eve. She picked a fight with Remy. Then it was Mrs. Wallace. Then it was Nicki Minaj. Every time you are in the news its because you are getting at somebody. Where is your music? Put your music out and when I see your name on billboards that is when I will respond to you.
How did the beef between Nicki and Lil Kim start
Minaj admits that she met Lil Kim at a Lil Wayne concert. They were both back stage and were friendly with each other. It seems that Kim may have more of a problem with Minaj then she does with her. Now, those are some powerful words about Lil Kim. Minaj did not hold back.
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