The Sizzling New SWV Lifetime Biopic!!!!!

The Sizzling New SWV Lifetime Biopic!!!!! Hit 90s R&B group SWV (Sisters With Voices) will have a biopic on the TV network, Lifetime.
SWV’s Brand New Biopic: The Facts!!!!!
According to thejasminebrand.com, they are reporting that the 90s group’s biopic has been picked up by Lifetime.
theJasmineBRAND broke the initial story in 2019 about an SWV biopic with various networks.
At the time, lead singer of SWV, Coko had hopes of singer Sevyn Streeter would play her in a biopic. It’s not clear if those plans are still in the works.
As we all know, Lifetime has hit gold with their biopics of musical stars such as Toni Braxton, Whitney Houston, Aaliyah, and my personal favorite, The Clark Sisters.
SWV have been one of the most successful R&B groups of the 90s with hits such as Right Here, I’m So Into You, You’re The One, and their biggest hit to date, the classic, Weak.
The group disbanded in 1998 to pursue solo project but came back together in 2005.
In 2014, they had a hit reality TV show on WEtv called, “SWV Reunited”. It lasted for two seasons before it ended.
Their is no official premiere date on the biopic, but I will bring you more details as they become available.
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