Mo’Nique Slams Charlamagne Tha God!!!

Mo’Nique slams Charlamagne Tha God. Who does Mo’Nique not have beef with these days? It seems that Charlamagne has rubbed Mo the wrong way. Is this a case of Karma for Charlamagne always voices his opinions about others or not?
But Charlamagne has no beef with Mo’Nique
In an interview with Comedy Hype Mo’Nique and her husband Sidney had a discussion about Charlamagne. When the host mentioned Charlamagne was involved with promoting mental health wellness Mo laughed saying, “I won’t even accept that, that he is advocating for mental illness,” she says. “Stop it, Lenard. … Lenard, you’re advocating for mental illness?” She went on to say :
“I’ve seen and heard the destruction that that brother has done in our community,” she explains. “I’ve heard the poison that he’s pulled out over that air in our community. Now, everyone is allowed to change. Everyone can wake up and say, ‘You know what, I now see it differently.’ But I think that the only way that we make change in our community is to first acknowledge that we were part of the damage. … I think that that brother played a big part in the destruction of our community.”
Mo’Nique is notorious for slamming celebrities she has an issue with. Could her disdain with Charlamagne be coming from him calling her the “Donkey of the Day” last year? Or does Mo have a legitimate gripe with Charlamagne? Not to mention that her husband” Sidney added his thoughts saying, “he feels Charla has a “lack of empathy” and that there’s “a level of consideration for people that I haven’t seen him give” for his interview subjects, according to Atlanta Black Star.”
It does not appear that Mo or her Sidney have a problem voicing their opinions. Especially, if someone offends Mo. Wonder if Charlamagne will unleash a campaign to silence Mo and Sidney like he has done with others in the past. SMH!
Check out the video above for more details
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