Was Meek Mill In A Fight At Gervonta Davis Bout?

Was Meek Mill In A Fight At Gervonta Davis Bout? There was nearly another fight taking place. Mill allegedly had words with Gary Russels’s crew.
Was Meek Kicked Out Of Gervonta?
Was Meek Mill In A Fight At Gervonta Davis Bout? The incident with Meek occurred at the World Lightweight fight. Davis was in the ring defending his title from Garcia.
Suddenly, there was a squabble outside the ring. And, right in the middle of the altercation was Meek Mill. Apparently, Meek had a heated exchange.
According to XXL Mag, reported that Meek and Gary Russell Jr. allegedly had a shoving match. But before things got worst, Meek was escorted out of the arena.
Of course, details of what actually happened are sketchy. What we do know is the bout with Davis and Garcia was stopped.
So…Tank and Hector Garcia stopped boxing in the middle of their fight because Meek Mill was about to fight one of the Gary Russell boys (actual boxers) in the crowd and Wallo was trying to keep the peace?
You can’t make this shit up.
— Andreas Hale (@AndreasHale) January 8, 2023
Once things got under control, the fight continued. Davis went on to win claim his title from Garcia. So, Davis is still the WBA World Lightweight Champion.
In the meantime, we learned that Russell Jr. is also a fighter. Not only that but Wallo 267 allegedly tried to diffuse the situation. Clearly, something took place. Especially since Meek was asked to leave allegedly.
Did Meek instigate the situation? Or did Russell Jr. start the alleged incident? Either way, Showtime Sports president Stephen Espinoza shared this,
As I mentioned, what took place was enough to have Meek removed. Shortly after, Meek addressed the incident on Twitter,
“Congratulations tankkk!!! I almost fought a boxer telling him this fight not going 12 rounds I missed the big bomb!!!!”
He then went on to say,
I would never let no petty shit escalate to let somebody movie run …. I just walked away .. I came to support tank and boots!!!!!! Good wins ✨✨✨✨✨
— MeekMill (@MeekMill) January 8, 2023
There you have it. So far, we have not heard anything from Russell Jr.’s camp. Overally. it was a great night for boxing. Wouldn’t you agree?
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