Nick Cannon Calls Out Popular Show Hosts!

Nick Cannon puts some people on blast! Gucci shocked the world when they released their new $890 sweatshirt last week. The sweatshirt resembled blackface imagery and they rightfully received immediate backlash from the black community. Yesterday, Nick Cannon further shocked us when he took to Instagram to expose well-known show hosts Sarah Silverman, Jimmy Fallon, and Jimmy Kimmel. In a post consisting of four separate pictures, we see old flicks of Silverman, Fallon, and Kimmel sporting brown or black paint on their faces.
Are these three the only people Nick put on blast?
The fourth picture is a picture that has been floating around the internet for years now. The picture is allegedly of younger Bill Clinton and a white woman wearing blackface and exaggerated cherry red lips. This picture started circulating the web around the 2016 election but remains unconfirmed if it is indeed Bill Clinton.
Nick called them out, but what now?
Nick Cannon has called these talk show hosts out, but will there be any real repercussions? Will these hosts face some sort of reprimand or will this whole incident just die down and be forgotten?