Music Exec View On Meek And RocNation

Music Exec View On Meek And RocNation. He believes you should not sign with another artist. And, it makes perfect sense to me.
The Truth About Meek’s Departure from RocNation
Music Exec View On Meek And RocNation. This prolific businessman and record exec speak the truth. Bro Khonsu was spoken about hip hop on this platform many times. It is always an honor to hear his insight.
Having shared this, he interviewed hosts O’God and SamAnt. During this discussion, we received more clarity. Especially as it relates to Meek leaving RocNation. I will try and provide some information for you all.
But I believe if you listen to his interview carefully you will get it. Or at least you will understand a little more about Meek’s departure. Artists should not sign contracts with other artists, said Bro. Khonsu.
Primarily because most artists know little about the business side. This does make sense. For this reason, there are music executives. Many music executives understand business.
Also, many have gone to colleges to gain this insight. Furthermore, the big music companies have a host of legal counsel. Not to mention, people who are experts in their professions.
In other words, there is a team of people ready to help artists move forward in their career endeavors. Therefore, without that backing, many artists who create labels can fail.
In addition, Bro. Khonsu mentioned that huge record labels such as Sony and Universal have sub-divisions. These subdivisions take on the business of creating contracts. Listen, this businessman knows his stuff.
Furthermore, it is unethical for a music company to take a policy on artists. Yes, you heard me correctly. Music labels have life insurance policies for some hip-hop artists.
Now, that makes the hair on my neck stand up. What is the purpose of having life insurance policies for music artists? Do the record label executives know something we don’t?
Has it become necessary to ensure they recover any monies lost if an artist is killed? I digress. At any rate, check out the powerful insight into the music business.
On another note, Meek did reveal his departure was discussed. Jay -Z was in agreement, as reported by Billboard. In fact, he had this to say,
“And roc nation is my family don’t mix my post aimed at Atlantic mixed up with roc or MMG …they ain’t stop nothing I’m doing we made about a 100m together des mike and Hov saved my life b4 And put a lot of energy into it I’m not behind on my favors in life wit my people I’m good.”
So, it looks as though, Meek is diversifying. However, he is still working with Jay-Z on other ventures. There you have it. Meek is increasing his portfolio. Another great interview from O’God and SamAnt.
Wouldn’t you agree?
Check out the video above for more details.
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