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Lil Wayne Speaks Out On Super Bowl 2025 Snub

Lil Wayne Speaks Out On Super Bowl 2025 Snub

Lil Wayne Speaks Out On Super Bowl 2025 Snub. Rapper Lil Wayne recently made headlines when he spoke out about being snubbed from performing at the Super Bowl 2025 halftime show. The Grammy-winning artist, known for hits like “Lollipop” and “A Milli,” expressed his disappointment in not being chosen for the high-profile event. Fans and music industry insiders alike were curious to hear his thoughts.

Lil Wayne’s Reaction to Super Bowl 2025 Snub

Lil Wayne Speaks Out On Super Bowl 2025 Snub.

Wayne was disappointed that he was not selected to perform at the Super Bowl. The New Orleans native spoke out just a week after Kendrick Lamar was chosen.

He claims that the snub by the NFL ‘Broke’ Him,’ as stated by Billboard. Also, Lil Wayne went on to say,

“First of all, I want to say forgive me for the delay. I had to get strength enough to do this without breaking,” said a somber, clearly dispirited Wayne. “I’mma say thank you to every voice, every opinion, all the care, all love and support out there. Your words turned into arms and held me up when I tried to fall back.”

Having said this, Lil Wayne admits he was not mentally prepared for that kind of news. However, Lil Wayne quickly expressed his gratitude to his loyal fans.

Because of their support, he can move through his disappointment. As many of us know, performing at the Super Bowl halftime show is a great honor.

So, Lil Wayne’s not being chosen speaks volumes about the NFL and Roc Nation. Some people think Jay-Z did not want Lil Wayne to perform.

On the other hand, some think that it was an overall decision, not Jay-Z’s choice. Either way, fans and those who love Lil Wayne are voicing their concerns.

This is not to say that Kendrick Lamar is not a good choice. It would have made better sense to choose a New Orlean native rapper.

Be that as it may, the show must go on.

The Rapper Opens Up About Not Performing

For Lil Wayne, performing at the Super Bowl was one of his dreams. Therefore, to be snubbed is undoubtedly disappointing. It must have been hard for Lil Wayne to go public about him not being chosen.

Despite this setback, Lil Wayne remained philosophical, stating that he believed everything happened for a reason.  Perhaps, after voicing his concerns, Lil Wayne may be included in some way.

Let’s not forget that rapper 50 Cent surprised the crowd at Super Bowl 2022. Other West Coast rappers, such as Snoop, Dr. Dre, and Eminem, also performed during the halftime show.

During their performance, 50 Cent appeared in his famous song produced by Dr. Dre. So, there is a possibility Lil Wayne could make a guest appearance.

In other words, don’t be surprised if, after all this hoopla, it will happen. Wouldn’t seeing Lil Wayne and Kendrick on the same stage be something else?

As he continued to push forward in his career, Lil Wayne’s fans eagerly awaited his next moves.

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About The Author


Tonya is the Administrator and Senior Writer at Hip Hop News Uncensored. Tonya has nearly 5 years of experience writing 2000 articles. Tonya is a member of a team that is cohesively put together to implement the vision of the CEO and founder, O’God. Tonya brings her knowledge of Hip-Hop Old School. She is a graduate of Richard Stockton University with a BA in Psychology. Tonya graduated from Capella University with a Master of Science in Counseling Studies. Tonya’s broad knowledge of human behavior assists her in approaching many topics within the culture she is writing about. Currently, Tonya is attending Loyola University to achieve Certification in Digital Marketing. Tonya has received SEO beginner’s certification. And, Introduction to Digital Marketing certification.

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