Angie Martinez In Horrific Car Accident!!!!!

Angie Martinez In Horrific Car Accident!!!!! Rapper, actress, and radio host Angie Martinez has just been in a horrific car accident. Also, Angie Martinez will now have to have surgery. Lastly, we are all wishing her well.
Angie Martinez Car Accident: What Happened?????
According to Essence.com, Martinez was in a car accident in which she fractured her lumbar. Also, she shattered her vertabrae. On her Instagram she writes,
I’m in the best spirits possible. I’ve always believed in angels and mine was with me the other morning, I’ am recovering and will be for sometime, but i am extremely grateful to have the opportunity to do that. I wanted ya’ll to hear it from me first and know that although this is a difficult time, I am in the best spirits possible and determined to be back and better than ever soon!!!!!
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