Lil Wayne, Birdman Drop Lawsuits For Drake’s Royalties!!

Lil Wayne, Birdman drop lawsuits for Drake’s royalties. First, Aspire Music Group dropped its lawsuit. Then, Cash Money Records dropped its lawsuit.
Should Lil Wayne get the Royalties From Drake’s Music?
When Drake first entered the music scene, he was signed by Lil Wayne, the founder of Young Money Entertainment. Aspire says they discovered Drake and had an agreement in place to collect a share of the copyrights and 1/3 of net profits from his first six albums. Wayne’s Young Money and Cash Money were to split the remaining 2/3 of the net profits.
Back in 2017, a lawsuit was filed by Cortez Bryant of Aspire Music Group (Lil Wayne ex-manager). According to Yahoo Entertainment, Cortez Bryant alleges that Cash Money was holding out on royalty payments from music made by Drake. Lil’ Wayne and Bryant are principals of Aspire Music.
Birdman’s Cash Money Records counter sued Aspire Music Group accusing them of trying to get a bigger piece of the pie from Drakes royalties. Lil Wayne denied Birdman’s claim and said the allegation made no sense.
Cash Money wanted Aspire’s lawsuit against them to be dismissed. They also wanted damages for fraud, aiding and abetting a breach of fiduciary duty and interference with contractual relations.
Per agreements by both parties, Aspire Music Group dropped the lawsuit they filed and in turn, Cash Money did the same. I guess everyone involved shook hands and made up. Let’s hope all is well in Hip Hop Land.
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